Friday 19 January 2024

Moments in the Astra #1

Charce is in the middle of cooking something. Kanata helps out by preparing ingredients, while Ulgar tidies up. Kanata and Ulgar are talking. Suddenly, Kanata bursts out laughing.
ULGAR: No, I'm serious. 
KANATA: Charce!
ULGAR: What- I told you not to tell him!
CHARCE: Not tell me what? 
Charce looks back at them.
CHARCE: What ever is so funny?
KANATA: Dude, it's-- I just sit next to Ulgar, I ask "Bro! How're you doing?", he says "Good". And THEN he says "By the way. Don't tell him, but for some reason I want to punch Charce." WHAT?! HAHAHAHA!
CHARCE: Well, I never!
Kanata runs away to another room.
KANATA: Luca's totally got to hear this!
Charce and Ulgar, left alone, sit in silence.
ULGAR: ...
CHARCE: So...! ... Why?
ULGAR: ...
CHARCE: ... (Sigh) I guess he still doesn't want to talk to me.

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