Friday 3 November 2023

Sims 4, don't do this to me

New expansion pack?? At first, I was like, "Ah, whatever."

And then I recognised it was basically a Sims 4 universe version of South-East Asia. Oh crap.

Getting it could be the next best thing to visiting the Philippines, just add more Christian imagery & stuff and you got it xD

Thursday 2 November 2023


 AT 1:26 


Wednesday 1 November 2023

You can just... *get* The Sims 2?!

There's no way! I just learned that today. Guess who has plans later on tonight >:D

Oh man, I really wanted TS2 because I heard, especially compared to 3, it's much more unhinged and there's so much more drama xD I wanna experience it for myself

3 types of games that I like :D

There are four types of video games that I absolutely love, even though some of my favourite video games don't fall underneath these categories.

One is anything that has a lot of places to explore. Exploration games, metroidvanias (surprisingly, I've never played any Metroid or Castlevania games, which I hope to do one day), open-world survival, and I guess I can include roguelikes, too. Just anything where I have the freedom to go around wherever I want, sometimes even aimlessly. Good exapmles of this are Rain World, Yume Nikki (and its fangames like .flow), Minecraft, most roguelikes I've played (e.g. Vagante), 

Second is a game where I can literally create a whole population from scratch. What I mean by "from scratch" is that I get to,  not only name the members of the population, but also design each and every one of them. For some reason, this kind of game is not that easy to come across - it's such a great concept. The strongest examples I have for this category are Tomodachi Life and The Sims (4 is the one that I play most). In these games, I've created societies that's made up of just my OCs and characters from IPs that I love. Another includes games where that use Miis both as playable characters and background characters (anything from the Wii series, really).

And the third are ones that tell stories. To be more specific, I particularly like the ones where the stories are kind of vague with hardly any cutscenes so that all you get of the story are from the the point of view(s) of the playable character(s) and through the dialogue (or lack of). So basically, story-heavy, but very subtle about it. The story's depth doesn't really have to be too deep - it can be shallow, too. It doesn't really matter to me what kind of game it is, whether it be a 2D action platformer, a top-down RPG, or a first-person. 

Monday 30 October 2023

It's not always a bad thing if my phone's on 1% all the time

One way it helps is that if I ever think about heading onto social media again, it prevents me from spending 45 minutes scrolling 

This is probably the most emotion I've ever heard in an entire Manly let's-play

Just this entire let's play xD 
Hopefully, I'll remember to elaborate what I mean,later.

Saturday 28 October 2023


I've just submitted my second-to-last assignment for the semester... I BETTER GET THAT LAST ONE DONE, OR SOMEONE'S DEAD

Friday 27 October 2023






Um... Windows team...?

Hey Windows team, I'm a huge fan of your stuff :D

I like broke 7 laptops

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Why can't I be in the universe where there's The Sims rep in Smash Bros x'D


As much as I would absolutely KILL for Cave Story rep in Smash, just imagine what it would be like if Sims were a DLC fighter in Smash x'D I just thought of how the final smash would be like. Would it be of a Sim cooking and accidentally setting part of the stage on fire? IDK but I would love that


The part where it shows when she stabs her thumb with the mechanical pencil was particularly funny xD


Finished volume one of The Promised Neverland!

Ok, so I got into this knowing what kind of thing I was getting into. I knew it was going to get dark. And my expectations were satisfied!

Our protagonists are charming. The plot is definitely intriguing. 

I love the whole concept of humans (or just a simple civilization in general akin to humanity) being taken over by superior beings. Like, the twist with the human farm stuff I'M ALL ABOUT THAT!

More of the series is in the library I normally visit, so you KNOW what I'm gonna get next.

Monday 23 October 2023

Saturday 21 October 2023

Oh, my Agonie Jr islanders...


Someone's gotta draw TADC characters in the style of FHFIF :O

I think the character designs would go well in that art style :O


It's been a while since I gave YouTube horror a proper watch. This time, it was The Oldest View by Kane Pixels. I watched this series during yesterday's breakfast and lunch... IT'S CREEPYY
Link to playlist
I wanna try to do my own analysis, but that's for later... 

The first video, I think, is something that you don't take literally. I think it's one of those scenarios where it all makes sense after seeing a later installment in the narrative. I'll maybe talk more about it later on my rewatch.
Hell nah...
The second video is where the main narrative begins. Some vlogger finds a hole on top of a hill. In the hole is a long flight of stairs going down and when the camera caught its first glimpse of that, it was chilling... O_O It's so uncanny. 

Anyways, here's the main things I felt:
  • Disbelief and denial (mainly along with/for the protagonist), especially at the reveal of more stairs when you turn the corner
  • There's a whole frickin' MALL down there?!
  • Perfectly captures the feelings of "I'm not meant to be here, I'm not supposed to see this"
  • Especially in the third video... MAN... O_O
  • When the lights are off... FEAR. When the lights are on... FEAR. Boy's not safe here
  • The immense DOOM I felt when the stairs were blocked

Friday 20 October 2023

TADC pilot!

So the pilot for an animated web series, The Amazing Digital, Circus just came out sometime in the past week. I'm 100% DOWN for indie animation so I just had to give it a watch. It's NICE!
IDK why but I found this scene hilarious xD
I love the overall premise and its tone. Everone's so miserable

And since I've also been in love with Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends lately, I've been getting a similar essence from TADC in terms with the character designs. 
Their lives would be better off being in the FHFIF universe, I just had that thought

And I've also just thought of the Void arc from The Amazing World of Gumball. I love it :D
Maybe they'd also be better off in this universe too, since there is actually an exit xd

Anyways, that's enough talk about other shows, I'm getting really carried away...
We've already got some interesting plotpoints & worldbuilding so far. I'm looking forward to see where it goes :D
So yeah, I like it :D Would recommend, it's 25 minutes so maybe you can watch it during a lunch break like I did

Also, before I knew of the series, I kept seeing fanart of Pomni every now and then and I was like, "This character design is cute!" Really, I thought it was from some once obscured old animated film that resurfaced, or someone's OC the first time I saw, but it turned out to be not :O
This scene was great too

Sunday 15 October 2023

The Guys from Menahat: The way Zig warms up to our mains...

The Guys from Menahat: The way Zig warms up to our mains...: So, now that I've pretty much finished recording dialogue up until after defeating Darkroe, I think that's it. That's all the sh...

The Guys from Menahat: NOWAY


The Guys from Menahat: Zig pixel art :O

The Guys from Menahat: Zig pixel art :O

The Guys from Menahat: This is my Zig, Beht & Gorrik moment

The Guys from Menahat: This is my Zig, Beht & Gorrik moment: Well, that sucks Lol

Starting to read The Wide Window

Reading my first book from the 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' series by Lemony Snicket. I've finished the first three chapters so far of The Wide Window and I'm really enjoying it so far. 
I like the bits of dark humour here and there. It made me remember that dark humour doesn't always have to be edgy, inappropriate or shocking, which I forgot because all I think about are the edgy teens (and young adults, too) xD

Tuesday 10 October 2023

The Guys from Menahat: Dyrus' Henchmen's Dialogue and Mentions

The Guys from Menahat: Dyrus' Henchmen's Dialogue and Mentions: NOTE: This is NO LONGER a work in progress. This text is still up to show that this post was once still published only for link tests! -Weth...

I've completed the main story of Origins!

The Guys from Menahat: Ideas from my Notebook

The Guys from Menahat: Ideas from my Notebook: Dyrus's Men Chapter Ideas Pt 1 (edited) Goons To Work Sector W? Curiosity We Will Do Anything Enough 1, GOONS Basic introduction to each...

It's Pluto Time! :D

Heck yeah! We're about to discover Pluto in Cell to Singularity

Thursday 5 October 2023


Just last night I finished reading Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. It started off just weird and then it just got tragic & miserable. It felt really mundane and "dull" (in a way that's likeable in my opinion). As most readers did, I felt really bad for Gregor, and also for his family. 
This is the copy/translation I have at my library

SPOILERS: I also can't believe that Gregor just... dies like that at the end. Damn... Older stories really were harsh.

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Electric :O

A friend of mine sent a link to a personality quiz. I got Electric :O

Some of these are false: I don't hate most people and I almost never win arguments xD (I may be a little emotional, too) But the rest I can get past.

Manga at my library :O

Every Saturday afternoon I do volunteering at a nearby library and work on the Children's area, and every now and then I check out the graphic novels sections (both children's and teens).

I found a manga adaption for Miraculous :O I wasn't expecting to see that here, but then again, it is a global success. 
I gave it a read (not completely, but a lot of it). I think it works really well in this both the graphic novel medium and manga art style!

And then I found one of Junji Ito's most famous works: Uzumaki. What a good find! I was hoping to get a copy of this book before, but it's all so expensive ;-; Now I can finally give it a proper read!

O_O I won...?

I won the tea race minigame event in Cell to Singularity. I wasn't really expecting this to happen xD I was just keeping this on while doing my homework

Saturday 23 September 2023

Candy object overload, my beloved ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I love you ;-;

I just remembered: Kanamewo by Rapparu

I found this short film in either late 2016 or sometime in 2017 when I was searching for some GL anime to watch. And I did not know much it would actually stick with me up until now.

It just makes me want to come up with a story like this, I feel so inspired! 

One of the main things is that the short film introduced me to Adustam, a plunderphonics artist on Soundcloud. To this day, their music still remains as one of my favourites! I can't find anything else like it. It's got the perfect mix of laid-back and intense. 

Monday 18 September 2023

A cool action sequence

IDK if they still do animation like this anymore in MLB, but this sequence was cool. I might wanna try translate this into comic form someday...

(GIFs from here)

Rewatching School Live! (Gakkou Gurashi)

I've got a younger brother, at middle-school age. He likes sice-of-life anime; he likes zombie apocalypses... 

So, I came up with the great idea of introducing him to School Live!, or Gakkou Gurashi! We're up to episode 6, so basicaly half-way there, and he's hooked. We've basically gone up to there in one day. I'm so happy he likes it! It's one of my favourite series (both the anime and manga).

Sunday 17 September 2023

Peedee attempts to do homework with Steven & Connie (Pt 2)

DESCRIPTION: Peedee arrives at Steven's place to study. Connie's running a little late so, in the meantime, the boys do a little catching up.

CHARACTERS: Peedee, Steven,

KEY WORDS: Slice of life, work in progress

Peedee arrives at Steven's house. It's almost four. Rat-a-tat! One round of knocking and the door swings open. It's Steven! "You came!" he cheers. There is a relief in his voice as if he was anxious that Peedee wasn't going to show up at all. Unmatched to Steven's energy, Peedee calmly greets Steven back and he is welcomed inside.

The opportunity to visit anyone hardly ever came to Peedee, let alone the time to properly socialise with other kids his age. He made it very apparent that his passion for fries (and his education) outweighed most other aspects of his life but, also, he was curious to see how he'd go with growing closer to his casual friends. Steven was an easy candidate for this scenario. Additionally, any good friend of Steven's is someone Peedee would be interested to meet, and so he was keen on meeting that other girl-friend of Steven's, too.

I did a pairing meme for some reason O_O

I was bored, so I did a pairings meme. I'm not usually into shipping, or romance in general because it gets so damn corny, but I wanted to give this a shot.

NOTE: A good chunk of these are from my child & teen-hood

Tomodachi Life Log 16-Sep-2023

New Islanders!

  • Weird!
  • Vampire
  • April
  • Jaqui
Got him some new clothes

Worth a redraw #1

She wanted some food with eggs but I gave her tea

Worth a redraw #2

Kamilla and Ruwei are friends!

Saturday 16 September 2023

Friday 15 September 2023

Tomodachi Life Log 15-Sep-2023

I've decided to start a Tomodachi Life game on my laptop :D

Town Name: Agonie Jr (named after our old Tomodachi Life on our 3DS, Agonie Island)

So far, its islanders are...

  • Felix Thampad (AKA "my lookalike" but not really)
  • Leon Frienne
  • Kamilla Smaya, and
  • Ruwei Fรกn

A funny thing happened:

It all began when felix asked for a friend. He was like "Oh, it's getting lonely here on the island," so I gave him Leon. They hit it off pretty well. Some time after, he asked, "I think Leon and I are good friends. What do you think of me and Leon?" to which I replied, "Perfect!" because they're already written to be best friends. I go away to create Kamilla AND THEN SUDDENLY, LEON AND FELIX ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT. 




Thursday 14 September 2023

One of my favourite character archetypes

Is literally just


Blooregard Q. Kazoo
Toshinou Kyouko
Alan Partridge
Najimi Osana 
Gumball Watterson
Buratei Marii
Aioi Yuuko
Zig, Beht & Gorrik